Our Jeep brings out the explorer spirit in us, but we have a responsibility to protect and preserve the environment we want to explore.
My husband and I look forward to taking our Jeep on seasonal roads in the summer because we love spending time in the beautiful Northern Michigan outdoors. We have a great respect for the land and we take care as we explore new places.
Unfortunately, not all trail riders respect their surroundings and they don’t follow the laws when riding. It’s sad to see beer cans littering the road, deep tire tracks on a protected beach, and places where vegetation has been destroyed by an off-road vehicle.
This is not us. We have more fun following the law and practicing common trail etiquette. It keeps everyone out there safe.
1. Don’t Drink and Drive. Ever. Drinking alcohol while operating a 4WD vehicle is extremely dangerous and endangers everyone on the trail.
2. Leave No Trace. Pack it in, pack it out. Cigarette butts are trash so do not throw them out your window or on the ground. Carry a trash bag and pack out more than you pack in.
3. Ride Legal. Ride only on seasonal roads and designated trails. Stay off private property and make sure your ride has minimal impact. Find out if your destination requires an ORV sticker.
4. Be courteous. When passing hikers, bikers, or other vehicles, don’t speed past them and make them eat your dust, literally. If you see someone stopped, ask if they need assistance.
Don’t be the jerk who breaks the rules, causes accidents, and closes road and trails for future use.
By following the law as a driver and being courteous to others enjoying the same seasonal road adventure, you will have a lot more fun.